
Broadcast: Patriots' Soapbox

Patriot's Soapbox

A Common Lawyer Comments

Live Video Streaming Online Saturday and Sunday

Times are US Eastern Time.

  • 11am–1pm Saturday
  • 10am-noon Sunday

This is a recurring live broadcast of Brent's presentation on Patriot Soapbox.

Interact with Brent and a thousand others on the chat board during Brent's presentation!

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What Patriot-Soapbox listeners say about A Common Lawyer Comments:

Brent HAS to have made voice-over jobs or at least offers to do so. Excellent speaker. Great info and spot on.


I could listen to him sit here and just talk in circles all day long and wouldn't really care what the topic is.


Quite a reasonably intelligent man. My kind of guy. This host could read the phone book and it would sound good. Voice of Tom Boddett… smooth as butter.


I have heard you a few times on PSB. I tune in off and on. Hearing you talk on such interesting topics makes me want to know many things I've missed or forgotten. I went to ISU many years ago before I got married to my husband. That lasted almost 50 years. He was a very bright man and I miss having a smart partner to share things like your YouTube show. I'll try to get your time into my viewing more frequently. Thanks for feeding the mind with good food.

—Nancy (Indiana)

Mr. Winters,

I just wanted to tell you how much my wife and I enjoy listening to you at Patriot Soapbox. Your oratory skills are a welcoming effervescence of elegance and grace to our ears and a soliloquy of knowledge to our minds.

God bless you sir!

—Wayne (an undisclosed location of the old British Empire)